(too old to reply)
Jerry Cargile
2005-03-03 15:58:34 UTC
Does anyone have the above configured for Netscape?

The reason I ask is that News.Individual.Net sent me an e-mail saying
that beginning in March they will start charging $13 a year for this
service. They also said that CIS.DFN.DE will not be affected, but I get
network error messages when I try to log onto this service. I'm using
the username and password they gave me when I originally listed them as
a server for alt.intenet.services.

If someone could e-mail me a snapshot of their account settings for this
server, I'd appreciate it. I don't feel like paying $13 a year when
there might not be 13 posts per year. ;-))

2005-03-04 00:33:28 UTC
Post by Jerry Cargile
Does anyone have the above configured for Netscape?
The reason I ask is that News.Individual.Net sent me an e-mail saying
that beginning in March they will start charging $13 a year for this
service. They also said that CIS.DFN.DE will not be affected, but I get
network error messages when I try to log onto this service. I'm using
the username and password they gave me when I originally listed them as
a server for alt.intenet.services.
I don't think you can use that server anymore, Jerry. In fact, I think we
were moved off that server and to news.individual.net some time ago. What
they said was (quoted from their website) "Users who use the server
News.CIS.DFN.DE as part of the DFNNetNews project are not affected". Well,
it looks like the DFNNetNews project is strictly for German connections.
Here's their current website, if you want to translate it:

Jerry Cargile
2005-03-04 02:07:31 UTC
Thanks for the info, Mady. I'd rather pay the $13 than move to Germany.

Post by mady
Post by Jerry Cargile
Does anyone have the above configured for Netscape?
The reason I ask is that News.Individual.Net sent me an e-mail saying
that beginning in March they will start charging $13 a year for this
service. They also said that CIS.DFN.DE will not be affected, but I get
network error messages when I try to log onto this service. I'm using
the username and password they gave me when I originally listed them as
a server for alt.intenet.services.
I don't think you can use that server anymore, Jerry. In fact, I think we
were moved off that server and to news.individual.net some time ago. What
they said was (quoted from their website) "Users who use the server
News.CIS.DFN.DE as part of the DFNNetNews project are not affected". Well,
it looks like the DFNNetNews project is strictly for German connections.